About Ibex Resorts

Ibex Resorts offers an unforgettable encounter that will leave a lasting impression on you. Our focus on combining luxury and comfort ensures that we provide unparalleled experiences and exceptional service to our guests. With our commitment and genuine dedication, we aim to establish groundbreaking benchmarks in the hospitality industry.

Preserving a unique harmony with nature, we aim to inspire fresh perspectives and a novel way of life through our captivating experiences. By achieving a harmonious balance between hospitality and sustainability, we are dedicated to continuously delighting our guests throughout their entire stay.

Annexe and Main House Exterior with out seating and campfire1


To be the ultimate destination for extraordinary and awe-inspiring experiences, where guests can escape to serenity amidst exotic locations, creating lifelong memories and finding tranquillity in nature's embrace. We are dedicated to offering a family-oriented approach while also catering to the needs of corporates and organizations, ensuring that every guest feels valued and inspired.


At Ibex Resorts, we are dedicated to crafting exceptional and awe-inspiring experiences that capture the essence of each unique location. Our mission is to create an environment where families can connect and relax while providing tailored services for corporate events. With exceptional hospitality, amenities and a commitment to excellence, we exceed guest expectations, fostering togetherness, exploration and adventure in nature's embrace.